Doing what Overcomes Undoing
The only artistic joy close to that of creating the artwork itself is seeing other people connect to it as much or more than you do, as its creator. While I cannot speak for others, the only reason I put prices on my artwork is to care for my family. I would that it was all free and the person who received it was the one who it touched the most.
Artists are happy when, after purchasing a piece of artwork from us, you believe you got the better deal. I create, because if all were lost to me, the only thing I know I would do, the sign or the hope that life could begin again for me, would come from creating again.
Creativity mitigates against the challenge and loss inherent in risk and gain. The reality of hope amidst struggle. You do the same thing we do when you suddenly feel the need to reorganize a closet, move furniture around a room, cook a gourmet meal – or ten of them at one time. We all conquer obstacles by pulling back and pushing forward in the areas that give us a feeling of success and the strength to go back to do life anew.
I create a visual voice for you. Beauty, passion, hope, challenge, story, and the poetry of life in paint. When life is too much for me – I paint until the beauty of creating ignites my soul and hope and strength are stirred – followed quickly by courage and insight, as I return to overcome the obstacles that were my undoing.
It truly is that – it is the doing that gives me courage and insight to overcome the undoing in life.
That is why we invite you to create with us – by watching – learning alongside us – or bringing what we have created home so that you can create the place for it to come alive for you.
Contending for Peace